How to reduce the appearance of stretch marks

The causes of stretch marks are a mix of overall health and genetics. If you’re in poor health, malnourished (even if it’s only micronutrients), or sickly you’ll probably be more prone to stretch marks. Since striae are caused by skin being stressed internally causing scarring to occur it’s obvious poor health will increase their likelihood. Of course even healthy people suffer stretch marks. It’s partly genetic too.
Stretch marks can occur due to a number of body changes. Pregnancy is the most commonly thought of, but in actuality, puberty is the number one cause of stretch marks. Hormonal changes during puberty and the rapid development of anatomy can stress the skin too rapidly - causing stretch marks. The same conditions of hormonal fluctuations and skin stretching happening during pregnancy. But any rapid weight gain or loss can also initiate the formation of stretch marks.
Most of the time, stretch marks fade or lighten over time. So dark purple reddish marks gradually subside into whitish or silvery lines. Though serve stretch marks can remain purplish or simply too visible for many to tolerate.
Concealment or cover up
Many dissatisfied with their skin’s appearance will turn to either concealment of covering up. This means using sunless tanners to attempt to “dye” stretch marks. Or the use of makeup concealers to hide them. Or they’ll simply cover-up opting for a one piece swim suit instead of a bikini. But there are alternatives.
Medical treatments
The most severe stretch mark suffers often seek out medical treatments. Tummy tucks can help tighten loose bellies but also help to stretch and thin out (or cut-away) stretch marks. Or microdermabrasion or laser resurfacing can help to minimize or eliminate stretch marks - with repeated treatments. But each of these medical options incur heavy costs and associated risk. So many opt instead for more available solutions.
Topical striae treatments
You’ll find varying opinions on how effective topical treatments are. But many will swear by their use of coco butter, shea butter, vitamin e, natural oils, or a myriad of other moisturizers. But typically, the benefits of these types of topical treatments are limited to keeping the skin hydrated and pliable so the effects of stretching will be minimal. They’re not bad solutions but they’re not likely to help those genetically prone to stretch marks.
New peptide stretch mark treatments
Fortunately, as scientists learn more about our bodies, and are able to create smaller, and smaller particles - including nano-scale ingredients - topical treatments can now help those predisposed to developing striae. Moreover, they can even help to correct existing stretch marks reducing or removing their appearance.
New smaller sized peptide complexes are able to penetrate deeper into the skin and help to correct damage in the lower dermal layers - where stretch marks form and perpetuate. By mending the damaged formative layers of the skin cell renewal can be improved, correcting the underlying damage that led to the persistence of stretch marks.
How you end up reducing your stretch marks may be as individual as their underlying cause. Some treatments will work for some and not for others. Everyone’s body is different so the most effective treatment may take some trial and error to discover. It can be discouraging trying one product after another, but when you find the one that works for you - you’ll be exceedingly happy. So good hunting.
By: Bill McConnell
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