The stretch mark truth: what works for some… won’t work for others

That may seem like an odd admission by a company that manufactures stretch mark treatments. But it shouldn’t – we simply believe in honesty. It’s why we’ve always offered a sixty-day money-back guarantee. Not because we don’t believe in our product – we do – but because we acknowledge it won’t work for everyone.
Every person’s skin is different. It’s why some people get stretch marks easily and why others never get stretch marks. Likewise, our Elastin3 and ElastinMD stretch mark treatments will get rid of stretch marks for most... but unfortunately, a few won’t see the results they desire.
Don’t lose hope if one stretch mark treatment fails
It can be frustrating when you purchase something new that promises to get rid of stretch marks, only to have it fail to meet your expectations. Try to keep in mind that skin is different, body chemistry varies, and even your metabolism can be a factor. So just because one stretch mark solution fails, don’t give-up. Return a product you’re unhappy with (make sure any stretch mark remedy you try comes with a money-back guarantee), and then try the next one. Hopefully that one will be the one. And we’d be very happy for you – and us – if our Elastin3 or ElastinMD is the product that works for you.
Jan 29, 2014
By: serena jones
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