Top Pregnancy Trends

Every generation new parents create their own trends. The recent class of mommies and daddies is no different. We’ve collected a few of the expected to dominate during 2013.

Expecting parents are announcing sooner

Older couples would wait until 12 weeks or later to announce they were expecting. But today, some announce as early as 4 weeks, with over half announcing well before the end of the first trimester. How it’s announced is also changing. Social media is an increasingly popular method of spreading the news.

Home ultrasound parties

Ultrasounds use to require a trip to the doctor. But now many couples arrange a home ultrasound and arrange parties around the event. They can even use the occasion to share the gender of the baby. Many of these gatherings have become grand events as well.

Clever boy or girl announcements

If home ultrasound parties aren’t the preferred method of announcing the gender then many soon-to-be parents are using elaborate techniques. Home videos posted to YouTube, helium filled balloons, stuffed animals delivered to grand parents, and other orchestrated announcements are becoming more common.

Nurseries are brighter

It’s no longer pinks, blues, greens, and beiges you’ll find decorating nurseries. Today bright colors are, even neon colors, are common. And large decorative wall murals or wall decals are also growing in popularity.

Popular Baby Names Are Changing

There’s a constant turnover in the popularity of baby names. Ever few years new trends emerge and older names fade in popularity. Some of the trends today revolve around being more “green” and some even emanate from the popular television show Downton Abbey.

May 04, 2013
By: carla

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