VariClear Varicose Vein Repair & Prevention Sell Sheet

Our VariClear varicose vein and spider vein treatment is a safe, inexpensive alternative to surgery, that will work for any woman or man who suffers from varicose or spider veins.

This advanced treatment lotion can not only strengthen vein walls, it helps boost circulation and can diminish the appearance of the veins. In addition to rutin, citrus bioflavonoid (Vitamin P) and grapeseed extract, we’ve added a potent hesperidin complex (a different form of Vitamin P). These ingredients have been clinically proven successful in the treatment of vascular degeneration. While some lotions dilute their extract with lactose or maltodextrin, our PURE hesperidin is 100% lemon peel.

“Oh my god, it is actually working! I'm a bit of a pessimist, and completely expected this NOT to work…”

~Erica Holohan