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From time to time we are asked to pass on some pertinent information that our customers might find useful. Here is a good link that new moms might find interesting concerning baby food.

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What To Expect Website

What To Expect Website

It all started with a baby…and a book. Heidi Murkoff conceived the idea for What to Expect When You're Expecting during her first pregnancy, when she couldn’t find answers to her questions or reassurance for her worries in the books she’d turned to for much-needed advice. Determined to write a guide that would help other expectant parents sleep better at night, Heidi delivered the proposal for What to Expect When You’re Expecting just hours before delivering her daughter, Emma.

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Pregnant mother’s diet determines baby’s obesity risk

Pregnant mother’s diet determines baby’s obesity risk

Be aware of what your are eating when you are pregnant.

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Smoking during pregnancy; more reasons to abstain

Children of women who smoked cigarettes during pregnancy are more likely to have behavioral problems than those whose mothers didn't light up, says a new analysis.

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Some signs that autism may begin during pregnancy

Children with autism show key "patches of disorganization" in the outer layers of the brain, according to a new study said to offer more evidence that the developmental disorder begins in the womb.

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“I have only used Elastin3 for a week and a half now and I can already see and feel a change in my skin…”

~Taylor Hill