Customer Testimonials

I love Elastin 3. My mother and both my sisters have severe stretch marks from pregnancy. I started using it when I found out I was pregnant. I don't have a single stretch mark even though I gained almost fifty pounds! Love it!
~ Sarah J
I just wanted to thank you for such a wonderful product. I inherited stretch marks on my thighs despite being thin, and when I got pregnant with my first child I was scared. I knew I was prone to stretch marks and I really didn't want to get any on my stomach. So when I heard about your product I was thrilled, and optimistic. Elastin3 did not let me down, I never got a single stretch mark! I tell all my friends about it when they get pregnant and with number two on the way I'm ordering more for this pregnancy. So thank you again for this wonderful, miracle product!
~ Kerry Abraham
Elastin3 is the Sh%*T!I ordered it and it came very quickly, its been one week and I have honestly noticed the stretch marks lightening and fading, its amazing I was afraid to wear my bikini but not anymore. I will continue to buy and watch my stretch marks disappear!
~ Laura Mickles
I am 32 weeks pregnant with twins, and I have been using your Elastin-3 and belly and body butter since I found out I was pregnant. I don't have a single stretch mark! I can't believe how great this stuff is. I was slender to begin with, and I have gained 45 pounds, but still no stretch marks. Your amazing formula has also kept my belly from itching. I always see pregnant women scratching their abdomens, but my skin is so smooth and supple. I am so pleased and just wanted you to know!
~ Stephanie Cibiras
I was 5 months pregnant when I disvocer about Elastin 3 in my prenatal check up. I always has stretchmarks in my hips when I was still single so I was pretty sure my tummy is not going to be spared by the ugly marks. Its definetely worth the money. After I had my baby my friends and my sister [who bought me so many stuff for stretchmarks] were surprised when I told them I dont have them. THANKS ROBELYN. I can wear my bikinis again
~ Sheila Swenson
I have tried all the other products and paid a lot of money for them and none of them worked. ElastinMD not only removed my stretch marks, but I was so suprised how quickly it worked. I was skeptical because none of the other products worked. But now I tell all my friends about how great ElastinMD is. Thanks Robelyn Labs.
~ Nadia P
I have used Elastin3 since the my first week of finding out I was pregnant. I was dreading the idea of getting stretch marks, so I carefully researched what I could use to prevent them and chose Elastin3. I used the product faithfully throughout my entire pregnancy and now I am 6 weeks postpartum and not a single stretch mark to show for it! I am sure good genes had nothing to do with it because I have old stretch marks due to weight loss. I applied Elastin3 to those areas as well and they have dramatically faded. I highly recommend this product !
~ Kristin White
I used the stretch Mark cream since the beginning of my pregnancy I was prone to stretch marks I had three children and used every cream under the sun and I had a saggin stomach and huge marks... so after my third child I got a tummy tuck which got rid of most of my stretch marks and tightened my stomach big time. I had an unexpected 4th pregnancy and thought my money went down the drain on surgery I researched all creams and came across this site. I did not get one more mark or lose any elasticity during my pregnancy my stomach looks just as good as after the surgery. I am 3 months postpartum and have ran out and stopped using 2 months ago no new marks but I miss the cream its so good I dont want to risk anything!!!
~ Michelle-Ochoa
I can't live without my Body Butter! I'm 7 months pregnant and in my 4th month of using Robelyn Labs products, and my skin has never felt better...I haven't experienced any of the problems that expectant mothers speak of...The Elastin3 Stretch Mark Therapy is amazing and my husband treats me to the Foot Therapy Gel daily. Various companies approached me re: trying their products, but this is the line I stand behind. And, customer service is knowledgable, helpful and so friendly. I wish I had known of these products with my first two kids. I will definitely be spreading the word!
~ Barbara Alyn Woods

“I had heard a lot about Elastin3 from my friends who had used it with good results. So when I  …”

~Georgian Crysty